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「生物醫學科技」醫療中心 隆重開幕

邦盟駿新投資專案「生物醫學科技」在銅鑼灣的醫療中心週二隆重開幕。 「生物醫學科技」由邦盟匯駿及本港專科醫生、醫學教授、生物醫學科學家團隊組成,致力於腸道微生物基因測試,對肥胖、腹瀉、便秘、過敏、濕疹等五項健康問題,作出風險評估,既可為預防,有問題更可藉由施予精准治療。

「生物醫學科技」醫療中心 隆重開幕 「生物醫學科技」醫療中心 隆重開幕

檢測腸道微生物 知曉身體中腸道密碼


活動氣氛熱烈,現場有超過100人參與,在互動環節中,聽眾頻頻發問。亦有聽眾通過積極回答問題獲得免費的腸道基因測試,難掩興奮之情。因反應熱烈,徇眾要求將下月加場! 717日晚6:30-8:30將在灣仔里安中心9903-905室熱烈加場。

檢測腸道微生物 知曉身體中腸道密碼 檢測腸道微生物 知曉身體中腸道密碼 檢測腸道微生物 知曉身體中腸道密碼

Caring Company Award 2019

BMI Innovation Limited and BMI Appraisals were delighted to be awarded the "15 Years Plus Caring Company" and “10 Years Plus Caring Company” by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service this year again, in recognition of our efforts in performing corporate social responsibilities, continuous supports to the community and actively participate in social service.

We are dedicated to the development of promoting a caring community and had provided cash donations to various charitable organizations and participated in many social activities in 2019, such as volunteer service, BMI Christmas Party and organizing charity movie night.

In the future, we will continue to support and return to the society and demonstrate our good corporate citizenship.

Caring Company Award 2019


由邦盟駿集團主辦,並得到吉隆玻生態城KL ECO CITY全力贊助的《家居及辦公室風水講座》順利開展。是次講座邀請到香港玄空星相研究中心創辦人鐘亦禮師傅和大家分享家居及辦公室裡的風水乾坤。

會場上,反應熱烈,參加者非常投入,在分析家居風水時,認真學習,研究家居平面圖;在提問互動環節,更是積極參與,爭取能與師傅有更多交流的機會。其後,師傅亦對吉隆玻KL ECO CITY的樓盤地產從風水角度作出分析,並由該發展商負責人繼續為參加者介紹樓盤詳細情況,為聽眾帶來新的投資管道。




BMI Innovation Limited was awarded the 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo

BMI Innovation Limited was awarded the honor of 15 Plus Consecutive Years Caring Company Logo, in recognition to our commitment of being a corporate citizen this year. Nominated by Playright Children’s Play Association, this is the first time that we achieve the 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo.

This award is testament to the seriousness with which BMI Innovation Limited has treated this initiative. The "15 Years Plus" logo is given to entities that have been named a Caring Company continuously for more than fifteen years and satisfied at least three out of the six criteria of the Caring Company scheme. Those criteria are: volunteering, giving, mentoring, employing the vulnerable, employee friendly and caring for the environment.

The award is the result of employee engagement in the company mission and corporate culture.

BMI Innovation Limited was awarded the 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo